Publisher of, an online nature guide featuring wildlife observations, medicinal plants, astronomy events, adventure travel, and traditional folklore. Curate content and products integrating video, audio, and written content for a global audience. Amassed over 120,000 followers and a monthly reach of over 5 million users across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.


Naturalist’s Guide is a project born from a deep-rooted passion for nature and a desire to form connections around the globe.

My journey as a “naturalist” began in my grandmother’s gardens and the whispering pine forests of my childhood home, where I roamed barefoot, with the Earth as my playground.

Those early days were filled with wonder, as I sat under the open sky, a notebook in hand, documenting the weather or lost in the pages of encyclopedias. The world around me was a living laboratory, where each day held the promise of a new discovery. It was in this crucible of curiosity that my path became clear: I was destined for a life intertwined with science.

Pursuing this calling, I immersed myself in the study of biology, earning my bachelor’s degree, and then combining my love for science with storytelling through a master’s degree in media. My journey led me to my dream job at the Smithsonian Institution, where for eight years, I had the privilege of producing science media, bringing the wonders of the world to a global audience.

Yet, as fulfilling as this journey was, I still had a yearning within me to bridge the worlds of my professional pursuits and my Native American heritage. So Naturalist’s Guide was born—a project that embodies the harmony of scientific inquiry and the profound wisdom of ancestral beliefs.

In the dance of the moon and the tides, I see the intertwining of science and heritage. The gravitational pull that orchestrates the ebb and flow of the oceans is a marvel to my scientific mind. Yet, my soul hears the ancient whispers that speak of the moon’s influence on the energy that flows around us, creating a life that is both seen and unseen. This duality is not a contradiction but a beautiful symphony that enriches my understanding of the world.✨